L2025 LINK Error May Be Caused by Conflicting Library Routines

ID Number: Q44465

3.x 4.06 4.07 5.0x 5.10 5.13 | 5.01.21 5.02 5.03 5.10 5.13



All variables and routines in a module within a library will be linked

into a program when any single variable or routine residing in that

module is referenced. This can cause the following linker error if two

or more modules contain definitions for the same symbol:

L2025 symbol defined more than once

More Information:

For example, in the diagram below, module1 contains routines "a", "b",

and "c". The module2 contains routines "c", "d", and "e". When main()

references "a" and "e", the linker links module1 and module2 from the

library. This results in "c" being defined twice. Removing "c" from

one of the modules, recompiling the module, and replacing the module

in the library with the LIB utility operator "-+" will prevent "c"

from being multiply defined.


| |

| calls "a" |

| calls "e" |

/ | | \

/ +-----------+ \

/ main() \

v v

+-------+ +-------+

| a | | c |

| b | | d |

| c | | e |

| | | |

+-------+ +-------+

module1 module2

For each routine you want to be linked separately, compile a separate

object file and add it to the library.