QCW9112003: QCase:W Generates a Menu Link for a Separator

ID Number: Q78931







When using the Microsoft QuickC for Windows Compiler (QC/Win)

version 1.0 and using the QuickCase:W (QCase:W) utility,

generating a menu item separator for a top level menu item will

link a drop-down menu to that separator.

When clicking the menu separator while in the QCase:W environment,

a drop-down menu will appear. This menu can then be used as a

normal menu even though it is only a separator. No code, however,

will be generated for any submenus under the separator. If a menu

item is added underneath the separator, a case statement will be

generated by QCase:W. However, it will never be reached because the

program will not bring up a drop-down menu for the separator.


Once the menu separator has been chosen, do not choose it from

the menus again unless changing it to a regular menu item.

Choosing it again, and choosing OK, causes the drop-down menu to

be created.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in QCase:W version

1.0. We are researching this problem and will post new information

here as it becomes available.

More Information:

To re-create the problem, enter the QCase:W environment and select a

new file. Click the user menu (that is, <<>>) and choose the

Separator option button. Press OK and a vertical separator ( | ) will

be placed on the menu bar. Click this again (twice) to bring up the

dialog box for the menu options. Press OK and a drop-down menu will be

attached to the separator bar allowing further menus to be created.

The separator menu option is used only to separate menu items, and

therefore cannot contain any links. The code generated is correct;

however, the user may think that it is all right to link more menus to

the separator.

Note: This problem also occurs on submenu separators.

Additional reference words: 1.00