QCW9112004: Scroll Bar Erased If "Show Unused Symbols Only" On

ID Number: Q79064







In the Dialog Editor of Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win)

version 1.0, if the Symbols dialog box is brought up, the scroll

bar is erased if "Show Unused Symbols Only" is selected.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in QC/Win version 1.0.

We are researching this problem and will post new information here

as it becomes available.

More Information:

Use the following steps to reproduce the error:

1. Enter the Dialog Editor.

2. From the File menu, choose New.

3. From the toolbar, choose an option button and insert it in the

dialog box. In the Symbol field below the top menu bar, enter

"sym1". The default ID Value given is 101.

4. From the Edit Menu, choose Symbols.

5. In the Symbol field, enter "sym2"; in the ID Value field, enter


6. Choose the Add button to add the unused symbol to the display box.

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 nine more times, increasing the values by one

each time (that is, increasing sym3 to sym11 and correspondingly

increasing 103 to 111). This is necessary to eliminate the

duplication of a symbol name.

When the eleventh symbol name is added to the display box, its

capacity to display symbol names is exceeded and a scroll bar is

added to the display.

8. Now select "Show Unused Symbols Only." The highlighted line erases

the section of the scroll bar in line with it. If you move through

the list of symbol names, highlighting each one as you do so, the

entire scroll bar will be erased.

Additional reference words: 1.00