QCW9112007: QC/Win Setup Gives "Not Enough Space" Error

ID Number: Q79145







When using Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) version 1.0, Setup

checks to ensure that there is enough available space on the disk

for the files it will copy. However, the following error message

may occur

Not enough space on \. Setup needs XXX K additional

where XXX is a variable amount.


This error message is caused by not specifying the drive letter in

the path to the Windows directory. For example, "path=\windows" is

used rather than "path=c:\windows".


To work around the problem, add the drive letter to the Windows

path (for example, "path=c:\windows"), or run Windows from the

D:\WINDOWS directory (where D is the drive where the Windows path

is located).


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in QC/Win version

1.0. We are researching this problem and will post new information

here as it becomes available.

More Information:

To reproduce the problem:

1. Exit Windows and type the following at the MS-DOS prompt:

set path=\windows

2. Change directory to any directory other than the Windows directory,

and type "win" to enter Windows.

3. Choose Run from the File menu in the Program manager and type

A:\SETUP (where A is the drive where the Setup program exists).

4. When the Setup dialog box appears, choose OK; the above message box

will appear.

Additional reference words: 1.00