PRB: Adobe Type Manager May Corrupt QC/Win Status Line

ID Number: Q79284





Adobe Type Manager (ATM) may cause the status line in Microsoft

QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) version 1.0 to display incorrect

spacing. It will also cause multiple occurrences of font names in

the font selection list.

For example, when Run is selected on the main menu, the status line

should read:

Restart the program

When ATM is running with SynonymPSBegin set at 10 or less, the

status line reads:

Rest art t he p ro gram


Adobe Type Manager is a software package that manages laser printer

soft fonts and Windows display fonts. It adds additional fonts to

Windows and Windows applications. In addition, it assumes control

of the Windows display font when the font size is greater than the

value set in the ATM.INI file.

The minimum value at which ATM assumes control is set in the

ATM.INI file. This file (stored in the Windows subdirectory)

contains the line:


The number on this line (default setup is 9) determines when ATM

will begin displaying its fonts rather than the standard Windows

font. In QC/Win, the status line at the bottom of the window uses a

10-point font. This line is used to display messages (such as

explanations for the main menu selections). When ATM replaces the

font, the information on this line is incorrectly spaced.


To correct this problem, either turn ATM off or edit ATM.INI and

make SynonymPSBegin larger. Because turning ATM off is usually not

acceptable, setting SynonymPSBegin=12 is a good solution. The

status line will display correctly and the additional ATM fonts

will be available. You must exit and restart Windows for the change

to take effect.

ATM adds fonts; therefore, the font menu in QC/Win will have extra

fonts. Some of the ATM fonts have the same names as the QC/Win

fonts, and therefore several fonts will have the same names. In

particular, there may be three Courier and three Helv fonts. These

may or may not actually be different fonts. Experimentation will

show which fonts are preferable.

Additional reference words: status characters qcwin 1.00