INF: Incorrect Dialog Box May Be Displayed in QC/Win Program

ID Number: Q79384




When dialog files are created without symbolic names by the Dialog

Editor included with Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) version

1.0, and more than one of these dialog files is linked into a project

using QuickCase:W (QCase:W), all selections may display the first

dialog linked.

More Information:

When a new dialog is created in the Dialog Editor, it is given the

number 100 as the default identifier. This number is stored and used

by QCase:W in calls to the DialogBox function. If more than one dialog

box has the same number, the first dialog box with that ID will be


To prevent this situation, always give a dialog box a symbolic name.

When the Dlg. Sym. field for a dialog box is filled in, the Dialog

Editor erases the number. Do not insert a number because this causes

other problems (the dialog box won't be displayed if both a name and

number are displayed) For more information, query on the following:

dialog and display

An alternative solution is to enter your own numbers for all dialog

boxes, which means keeping track of these. If dialog boxes are reused

in other projects, the same problem can result if the numbers are


To re-create this problem, create two dialog boxes using the Dialog

Editor. Do not give either dialog box a name, and let the number

default to 100. Save each in its own file (different names). Using

QCase:W, create a window and link each dialog box to a different menu

item. When the project has been generated and built, only the first

dialog box will be used; both menu selections will display it.

Additional reference words: duplicate qcwin menu 1.00