INF: File New Grayed and Toolbox Missing in Dialog Editor

ID Number: Q79826




New dialog boxes cannot be created and various editing commands are

disabled if Translate Mode is enabled on the Dialog Editor Options

menu. The New option on the File menu will be disabled and the toolbox

will not be visible.

Translate mode allows dialogs to be translated into other languages.

In translate mode, the text of controls can still be changed, and

controls can be sized and positioned (to accommodate the changed

text). However, new controls cannot be added, and existing controls

cannot be deleted or have their styles or ID values changed.

When translate mode is enabled, a check will appear next to the

Translate Mode item on the Options menu. To toggle the Translate Mode

setting, select Options from the main menu and then choose Translate


Additional reference words: 1.00 qcwin qcw edit editor