Can't Delete LMPRINT.QPR If LAN Manager Is Abnormally Removed

ID Number: Q63640




If you abnormally remove OS/2 LAN Manager, you cannot easily delete

the \LANMAN\NETLIB\LMPRINT.QPR file. Abnormal removal implies that you

did NOT use the OS/2 LAN Manager Setup program to do a remove, but

instead deleted the \LANMAN entries from your CONFIG.SYS file, and

then deleted the \LANMAN directory.

Difficulties deleting the LMPRINT.QPR file are caused by the OS/2 LAN

Manager installer, which has modified the OS2.INI file to point to

this file. You can use any of the following options to work around

this problem:

1. Install OS/2 LAN Manager into a different subdirectory or drive,

and THEN delete the old LMPRINT.QPR file.

2. Boot the OS/2 install disk. When the banner appears, press the ESC

key to get to an OS/2 prompt. You now can remove the file.

3. If the LMPRINT.QPR file is on a FAT partition and the partition

size is legal for your version of MS-DOS, boot MS-DOS and delete

the file.

4. Reinstall OS/2 (not recommended).

5. Run the OS/2 MAKEINI program to reset OS2.INI to the default

installed screen groups.

The symptom of this problem is that the OS/2 LAN Manager installer

will not work when reinstalled in the same drive and directory. The

program informs the user that it cannot copy the LMPRINT.QPR file.