ID Number: Q80430
In Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) version 1.0, QuickCase:W
does not create a makefile when generating a project if the
following three conditions are true:
1. The directory specified by the WorkPath setting in the
QCASEW.INI file (qcwin\bin is the default) contains a makefile
with the same base name as the project.
2. The WorkPath directory (see #1) is on the path.
3. The .WIN file was saved by choosing Save from the File menu
rather than choosing Save As from the File menu.
Have QuickCase:W generate the makefile or create one yourself. To
avoid the problem in the future, do not use the WorkPath directory
(qcwin\bin is the default) as a working directory.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in QuickC for Windows
version 1.0. We are researching this problem and will post new
information here as it becomes available.
More Information:
If you want to have QuickCASE:W generate the makefile:
1. Delete the makefile from the WorkPath directory.
2. Run QuickCase:W and load the .WIN file (from the File menu, choose
3. from the Build menu, Choose Generate. If you have made changes to
the source code since the last generation, you will get the
following dialog box:
| |
| A previous version of the source code exists. |
| Generation will destroy any changes in the |
| source files. Do you want to continue? |
| |
| Yes No |
Update will save your changes, but it will not create a makefile.
It will result in the following message box:
| |
| Cannot open file <file>.mak |
| Return code-122 |
If you have worked on the source code and do not want to lose the
changes, either make a backup copy of the C file, then restore it
or create the makefile using the QC/Win Development Environment.
If you want to create the makefile yourself:
Be sure to include not only the .C file, but also the existing .H,
.DEF, .RC, and .DLG files. Failing to do so may result in compile
errors or a program that does not run correctly.
Additional reference words: 1.00 qcw qcwin