Link "Fatal Error L1085: Cannot Open temporary File"

ID Number: Q28220




I get the link error "fatal error L1085: cannot open temporary

file" when linking a program consisting of many object modules. When I

reboot and make more room in RAM the error does not occur. How much

room does LINK need?


The linker error you saw has nothing to do with available RAM. The

fact that the linker worked when you rebooted can be due to any one of

several areas of concern.

The removal of resident software upon rebooting may have removed

some interference. We do not guarantee that our products will work

correctly with TSR (terminate and stay resident) software. A TSR can

interfere with the finding of the TMP environment variable, so the

temporary file will not be created.

Also, insufficient file handles can cause this error. The

CONFIG.SYS file should have the setting files=20. Some of the handles

may have been freed upon rebooting without the TSRs. If the disk is

full, leaving no room for a temporary file to be created, this error

will occur.