PRB: Program Examples from Part 1 of C for Windows Not Present

ID Number: Q80438





Page 3 of the "Microsoft QuickC for Windows: C for Windows" manual

that shipped with Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) version 1.0

incorrectly states that all of the sample programs in the book should

be found in the online help.

The sample programs from Part I of "C for Windows" are not included in

QC/Win's online help. The following programs are referenced in "C for

Windows," but are not in the online help:

argv.c employ1.c pointer.c svtext.c

argv1.c employee.c pstring.c switch.c

array.c file1.c pstring1.c twodim.c

beeper.c file2.c pstring2.c types.c

beeper1.c forloop1.c pstring3.c visible.c

bitwise.c forloop2.c ptrptr.c visible1.c

breaker.c funcptr.c qcsort.c visible2.c

breaker1.c funcptr1.c rdfile.c volume.c

convert.c iff.c sample.c while.c

convert.c input.c showme.c wrfile.c

decrment.c oldstyle.c showmore.c

do.c parray.c static.c

else.c parray1.c string.c

else1.c pfunc.c svbin.c

An archive of these files is available for download in the QuickC for

Windows library (Lib 7) in the Microsoft Languages Forum (MSLANG) on

CompuServe or by calling Microsoft Product Support Services QuickC for

Windows support.

Additional reference words: qcw qcwin 1.00