PRB: QC/Win Sometimes Prints Beyond Lower Margin

ID Number: Q81303





When using the Microsoft QuickC for Windows Graphical Development

Environment (QC/Win) version 1.0 to print a file, text may be

printed beyond the bottom margin causing some text lines to be

lost. This problem has been reported while using various printer



An updated printer driver may be the solution to this problem.

Please call the manufacturer of the printer and request an updated

printer driver for Windows.

Another workaround is to load the file into another editor (for

example, Notepad or Write) and print from that program.

The last possible solution is to add blank lines in the text where

pages would occur.

More Information:

Drivers that have been known to cause this problem are listed below.

To obtain the version number, enter the Control Panel from the Main

program group in the Program Manager. Choose Printers. Choose the

Configure button and then choose the Setup button in the next dialog

box. When the Setup dialog box appears, choose the About button and

the title and version of the driver used will be shown.

To obtain the filename of the driver (as listed below), view the

WIN.INI file. In the [windows] section, there will be a "device=" line

that contains the type of printer you are using and the filename of

the printer driver.

The known printer drivers that cause the problem described above are:

HPPCL5A.DRV - version 30.3.822 - HP Laserjet III

HPPCL.DRV - version 3.3 - HP Laserjet IIP

Additional reference words: 1.00 qcw qcwin