INF: How to Use QC/Win with the Whitewater Resource Toolkit

ID Number: Q81323




The following steps must be taken in order to use the Whitewater

Resource Toolkit (WRT) with Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win)

version 1.0:

1. First, create your project list without any .RC or .DLG files.

After building your project in QC/Win, you will have a Windows

executable file (.EXE) that does not contain any Windows resource


2. Take the resource information contained in the .RES file created by

the WRT and insert it into your .EXE file using the Toolkit.

More Information:

The Whitewater Resource Toolkit is a Windows development utility that

allows a programmer to create all the various resources necessary for

a Windows program, including menus, bitmaps, icons, cursors, dialogs,

stringtables, and accelerators. A single .RES file contains all this

information. Since QC/Win does not support placing .RES files into

your project list, you cannot use the Toolkit files in the same way as

a .DLG or .RC file. You must build the executable first, and insert

the resource information into the executable file after using the


Additional reference words: 1.00