INF: Correction to JournalRecordProc Documentation

ID Number: Q86007





In the documentation for the JournalRecordProc on page 561 of the

"Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit: Programmer's Reference,

Volume 2: Functions" manual and in the Windows SDK online help file,

the lParam parameter passed to a JournalRecordProc callback function

is documented incorrectly.

The documentation should state the lParam points to an EVENTMSG data

structure, which is defined as follows:

typedef struct tagEVENTMSG {

UINT message;

UINT paramL;

UINT paramH;

DWORD time;


The EVENTMSG data structure is defined in the WINDOWS.H include file

provided with version 3.1 of the Windows SDK.

Additional reference words: 3.10 WH_JOURNALRECORD on-line