INF: Minimum System Requirements for QuickC for Windows

ID Number: Q81325




Microsoft QuickC for Windows version 1.0 requires the following

minimum system configuration:

- MS-DOS or PC-DOS operating system version 3.1 or later and the

Microsoft Windows graphical environment version 3.0 or later

running in either standard or enhanced mode. QC/Win does not run in

real mode.

- A personal computer using an 80286 or higher processor.

- At least 2 megabytes (MB) memory.

- One 5.25-inch, high-density (1.2 MB) disk drive or one 3.5-inch,

high-density (1.44 MB) disk drive, and a hard disk (QuickC for

Windows is also available on low density disks through a

companion-kit order form included in the box).

- The hard disk will need to have at least 6.7 MB of free disk space

for the default installation and 14.7 MB of free disk space for the

full installation.

- A CGA, EGA, VGA, 8514, or Hercules graphics card, or compatible

video graphics adapter and monitor (EGA or higher recommended).

- A Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device is recommended for

QC/Win and required for the Dialog Editor.

More Information:

The default QuickC for Windows installation consists of the following:

- The Development Environment (1391K).

- QuickCase:W (481K).

- Resource Editors (227K).

- Sample programs (293K).

- Online help files (2658K).

- The small memory model libraries with emulator floating point

support to create Windows EXEs (420K), Windows DLLs (391K), and

QuickWin EXEs (537K).

The full QuickC for Windows installation consists of everything listed

above for the default installation plus the following:

- The libraries necessary to create MS-DOS EXEs.

- Compact, medium, and large memory model libraries with coprocessor


Additional reference words: RAM needed setup install 1.00 qcwin qcw