INF: OLE Concepts and Requirements Overview

ID Number: Q86008

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Object linking and embedding (OLE) is a technology that enables an

application to create compound documents that contain information from

a number of different sources. For example, a document in an

OLE-enabled word processor can accept an embedded spreadsheet object.

Unlike traditional "cut and paste" methods where the receiving

application changes the format of the pasted information, embedded

documents retain all their original properties. If the user decides to

edit the embedded data, Windows activates the originating application

and loads the embedded document.

This article provides an overview of the OLE libraries; discusses the

VTBL (virtual method table) data structure, which is a required

element of each OLE application; and discusses using the Windows

clipboard in an OLE application.

More Information:

OLECLI.DLL -- The OLE Client Library


OLECLI.DLL, the object linking and embedding (OLE) client library in

the Microsoft Windows environment, provides services to simplify an

OLE client application. Bidirectional communication takes place

between a client application and the OLE client library. A client

application calls functions in the client library to perform OLE tasks

such as object creation, rendering, loading, and saving. The client

library sends status information to the application by calling an

application-defined callback function. The status data the library

passes to the client's callback function includes notification that an

object has been changed, renamed, saved, or closed by an OLE server


OLESVR.DLL -- The OLE Server Library


OLESVR.DLL, the OLE server library, provides services for an OLE

server application. Bidirectional communication takes place between a

server application and the OLE server library. A server application

calls functions in the server library to register itself as available,

or to revoke its availability. It also calls server library functions

to indicate when it saves or renames a document. The server library

conveys information to the server application through a set of 27

application-defined callback functions. Each of the server

application's callback functions, which are commonly called methods,

is called to request that the server perform a specific action, or to

inform it that a specific event has occurred.

Object Handlers


An end-user is typically concerned only with two types of OLE

applications: client applications and server applications. However, an

application developer must also be aware of a third type of OLE module

called an object handler. An object handler is a dynamic-link library

(DLL) that can be conceptualized as a limited-function server

application. An object handler contains functions required to support

a server application's object classes. For example, when a client

application invokes an object's verb, this call can be processed by an

object handler that loads into memory, processes the call, and unloads

from memory without any assistance from the main server application.

An object handler provides an efficient way to manage objects, because

a handler is typically small and can be loaded and unloaded more

efficiently than an (often large) full-function server application. An

object handler is implemented using the OLE server library just like a

fully-functioned server application.

Using VTBLs


As noted above, communication from the OLE client library to a client

application, and from the OLE server library to a server application,

takes place through application-defined callback functions. During the

initialization of a client or server application, it calls the

appropriate library with a pointer to a VTBL data structure. The

library uses the pointers in the VTBL to call the application's

callback functions.

For example, one of the VTBLs that a server application provides to

the OLE server library is called an OLESERVERVTBL. The server

application fills the OLESERVERVTBL structure with pointers to six

callback functions that implement the Create, CreateFromTemplate,

Edit, Exit, Open, and Release methods. Once the server application

passes the initialized VTBL to the server library, the library can

call any of the six methods just by dereferencing pointers in the

VTBL. Note that using a VTBL allows the OLE libraries to call an

application-defined function that implements a method independent of

the function's name.

To programmers familiar with the C++ language, the VTBL concept may

seem similar to the C++ virtual method concept. In fact, VTBLs and

virtual methods are closely related. A VTBL allows the OLE libraries

to specify the methods that a client or server application must

implement, while allowing the implementation of each method to be

defined differently for each object class.

Inter-library Communication


In the initial implementation of the OLE libraries, provided with

version 3.1 of the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK),

the libraries communicate with each other using the dynamic data

exchange (DDE) messaging protocol. The client and server libraries

send each other a standard set of OLE commands using WM_DDE_EXECUTE

messages. This implementation of the OLE libraries does not use the

Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) developed for Windows

version 3.1 because the DDEML and the OLE libraries were developed in

parallel. Future versions of the OLE libraries may use the DDEML or

another interprocess communication mechanism.

The inter-library communication protocol used by the OLE libraries is

hidden by the libraries themselves and it should not affect the design

of an OLE client or server application.

The Shell Library


Many OLE applications also use a third library, SHELL.DLL. The shell

library provides API functions that allow an application to read and

modify the Windows registration database. The registration database

contains information about the OLE servers installed on the system,

and the object classes and verbs that each supports. The shell library

also provides support for drag-and-drop manipulation of files using

the Windows File Manager. If an OLE client implements drag-and-drop

support, a file may be dragged from the File Manager and dropped on a

document in a client application to embed the file in the document.

Placing an OLE Object on the Clipboard


The presentation format used to display an object specifies the

object's appearance. When a server application places an object on the

clipboard, it supplies one or more graphical representations of the

object. These representations can include the metafile

(CF_METAFILEPICT) format, the device-dependent bitmap (CF_BITMAP)

format, or the device-independent bitmap (CF_DIB) format. When the

user pastes an object into a container document in a client

application, the OLE libraries use one of these presentation formats

to display the object. Because a bitmap or a metafile commonly changes

appearance when it is resized, the appearance of an object may vary

depending on the presentation format used to display the object.

An embedded object is stored on the clipboard in the OwnerLink format,

the Native format, and one of the three presentation formats described

above (CF_METAFILEPICT, CF_BITMAP, or CF_DIB). Each presentation and

predefined Windows format is represented by a named constant in the

WINDOWS.H header file included with the SDK. However, the OwnerLink

and Native formats, which are used by every OLE application, are not

defined in WINDOWS.H. Each OLE application must call the

RegisterClipboardFormat function to register the OwnerLink and Native

formats with Windows.

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