INF: Porting Windows Help Source Files from Version 3.0 to 3.1

ID Number: Q86080




To successfully compile a Windows Help version 3.0 help file with

version 3.1 of the Windows Help Compiler, make the following changes

to the Windows Help project (.HPJ) file:

- Replace the INDEX option with the CONTENTS option. The CONTENTS

option has the same function; it specifies the context string of

the highest-level topic. This topic is usually a table of contents

or an index of the help file. Windows Help displays the contents

topic whenever the user clicks the Contents button. The syntax of

the CONTENTS option is as follows:



- If the help file contains any browse sequences, enable the browse

buttons with the following command:



Version 3.1 of the Windows Help Compiler does not enable the browse

buttons by default. For more information in browse buttons, see page

28 of the "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit: Programming

Tools" manual.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10 HC31.EXE HC31 HCP.EXE HCP SDK