ID Number: Q50297
5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00
In Microsoft C versions 5.1, 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0ax, and C/C++ version 7.0,
a call to _memavl() returns only the amount of memory in the near
heap. Because memory is allocated in the far heap by default in
compact, large, and huge memory models, some other method must be used
to calculate available memory in these memory models.
More Information:
There are two memory-allocation heaps when you're using large model.
The near heap is the unused portion of the 64K DGROUP segment. The far
heap is the unused memory above your program. malloc() uses the near
heap for small and medium models and the far heap for compact, large,
and huge models. [You can choose which heap to use by using _fmalloc()
for the far heap and _nmalloc() for the near heap.]
The _memavl() function measures only the amount of memory available on
the near heap. Because the near heap is not used in far model until
the far heap is exhausted, _memavl() does not necessarily change after
memory has been allocated. In Microsoft C 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0ax, and C/C++
version 7.0, allocating memory in the far heap will not affect the
values returned by _memavl(). Microsoft C 5.1 can use the near heap if
memory is not available in the far heap, and could change the values
_memavl() returns.
To measure the amount of memory available on the far heap, you can use
the _dos_allocmem() function. (This function calls the MS-DOS
memory-allocation function.) Pass the function 0xFFFF for the number
of 16-byte paragraphs to allocate (which is 1 megabyte more memory
than the machine has) and the address of an unsigned int. When the
function returns, the unsigned int whose address you passed will
contain the paragraph size of the largest contiguous block in the far
heap. To find the number of bytes, multiply this by the 16L, which is
the size of a paragraph. (Use 16L rather than 16 so that the
multiplication will be done using long math, avoiding possible
The total memory available is the sum of the amount available on the
far and near heaps. For best accuracy, you should do this calculation
immediately after your program begins.
The following are a few traits of the malloc() allocation family of
which you should be aware:
1. malloc() does NOT call MS-DOS for each small allocation. Instead,
it asks MS-DOS for an 8K block (this size can be set by setting the
global variable _amblksiz, as described in the Microsoft C version
6.0 online help and on page 33 of the Microsoft C version 5.1
"Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler: Run-Time Library Reference"),
then allocates from this block. If the requested allocation is more
than 8K, malloc allocates enough 8K blocks to fulfill the
allocation. Before malloc() asks MS-DOS for memory, it first tries
to allocate the request from memory it already has.
2. free() NEVER returns memory to MS-DOS. So, if you allocated a
block, checked the far heap space using _dos_allocmem(), free()'d
the block and checked again, the amount of memory available to
MS-DOS would NOT increase on the second call. You can get a better
idea of how much memory is available by using _heapwalk() to find
out how much memory is available to malloc() but not to MS-DOS.
3. Starting with Microsoft C version 6.0, the function _heapmin can be
used to release back to the operating system some of the memory
returned to malloc(). See the online help for more information.
Note: halloc() calls MS-DOS directly and frees directly [using
hfree()] back to MS-DOS.
The program below calculates an estimate of the total amount of free
Sample Code
#include <malloc.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void)
long farheap = 0, total_free, available;
unsigned farparaavail;
struct _heapinfo hinfo;
int heapstatus;
/* Calculates the total memory available in the far heap */
hinfo._pentry = NULL;
while ((heapstatus = _heapwalk(&hinfo)) == _HEAPOK)
if (!hinfo._useflag)
farheap += hinfo._size;
/* _dos_allocmem will return the maximum block size available */
/* _memavl() will return the maximum memory in the near heap */
_dos_allocmem(0xFFFF, &farparaavail);
available = (long)farparaavail * 16L + _memavl();
/* Total memory available for allocation */
total_free = farheap + available;
printf("Total memory available is about %ld bytes\n", total_free);
The total memory calculated in the far heap may not be in a contiguous
block. To see whether or not memory has been fragmented, add the
following line to the while loop:
printf ("%6s block at %p of size %4.4X\n,
(hinfo._useflag == _USEDENTRY ? "USED" : "FREE"),
hinfo._pentry, hinfo._size);
To see how fragmented the near heap is, change the _heapwalk() in the
while statement to _nheapwalk(). This forces the function to do a heap
walk on the near heap. The _heapwalk() defaults to the following:
_fheapwalk in Compact and Large model
_nheapwalk in Medium and Small model
Additional reference words: 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00x 7.00 S_QuickC S_QuickAsm