INF: IBM EE 1.2 Lan Server Expanded Character Set

ID Number: Q64485

2.00 2.10



When installing IBM EE 1.2 Lan Server or Lan Requester, the User ID,

Group ID, Password, and Domain names are by default limited to what

IBM refers to as the "Minimal Character Set," which consists of the

characters A-Z, a-z, #, @, $, and 0-9. This limitation is meant to

maintain compatibility with the Communications Manager and Database

Manager components of IBM EE 1.2 Lan Server or Lan Requester, which

are limited to this minimal set.

If names with other characters are desired (for example, a domain name

of "FLOOR_5"), the "Expanded Character Set" can be used by entering

the following from the command line:

upmcset /e

The Expanded Character Set permits use of the following characters:

A-Z, a-z, #, @, $, 0-9

All accented characters

All extended keyboard character, except ."/\[];:|<>+=,?*

To return to the Minimal Character Set, enter the following from the

command line:

upmcset /m

Additional reference words: 2.00 2.10