ID Number: Q81882
When using the Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) Graphical
Development Environment version 1.0, the following warning messages
are produced when using the functions defined in the RESOLUTION
section of this article:
C:\QCWIN\FILES\TEST.C(92) : warning C4016: 'funcname' :
no function return type, using
int as default
C:\QCWIN\FILES\TEST.C(92) : warning C4071: 'funcname' :
no function prototype given
The prototypes needed for these functions have not been included in
the WINDOWS.H include file. Note that some of these have not been
included in the documentation as well. Brief descriptions of each
function are listed below.
To work around this problem, include the following prototype for
the function you are using in your source code:
void FAR PASCAL FatalAppExit(WORD wAction,LPSTR lpMessageText);
(Documented on page 288 of the "Microsoft QuickC for Windows:
Windows Programming Reference.")
LPSTR FAR PASCAL GetDosEnvironment(void);
(Documented on page 332 of the "Microsoft QuickC for Windows:
Windows Programming Reference.")
DWORD FAR PASCAL GetSelectorBase(WORD wSel);
Summary: Retrieves the base of the given selector.
Success: Returns the selector base.
Failure: Will cause general protection (GP) fault inside
DWORD FAR PASCAL GetSelectorLimit(WORD wSel);
Summary: Retrieves the limit of the given selector.
Success: Returns the selector limit.
Failure: DWORD 0 in enhanced mode, GP fault within
GetSelectorLimit() in standard mode.
DWORD FAR PASCAL GlobalDosAlloc(DWORD dwBytes);
(Documented on page 401 of the "Microsoft QuickC for Windows:
Windows Programming Reference.")
WORD FAR PASCAL GlobalDosFree(WORD wSelector);
(Documented on page 401 of the "Microsoft QuickC for Windows:
Windows Programming Reference.")
WORD FAR PASCAL SetSelectorBase(WORD wSel,DWORD dwBase);
Summary: Sets the base of the given selector.
Success: Returns the selector.
Failure: Will cause a General Protection fault, either
inside SetSelectorBase() or later when the
selector is used.
WORD FAR PASCAL SetSelectorLimit(WORD wSel,DWORD dwLimit);
Summary: Sets the limit of the given selector.
Success: Returns 0.
Failure: Will cause a G-P fault, either inside
SetSelectorLimit() or later when the selector
is used.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in QC/Win version 1.0.
We are researching this problem and will post new information here
as it becomes available.
Additional reference words: qcw qcwin 1.00