QCW9203005: System Modal Dialogs Cannot Be Debugged

ID Number: Q82283







When using the Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) Graphical

Development Environment version 1.0, setting a breakpoint in the

messaging procedure of a system modal dialog box and running the

program so that it will stop on that breakpoint causes Windows to

behave incorrectly and/or halt.


A Windows-hosted debugger cannot debug a system modal dialog box

under Windows version 3.0, and therefore neither can QC/Win. The

problem arises because the dialog box takes control of the system.

Control is therefore taken away from the debugger, which causes the

system to halt because action must be taken within the QC/Win

environment to continue execution.

This problem occurs only if the dialog box style DS_SYSMODAL is

used in the .DLG dialog box script or in the dialog box statement

of the .RC resource compiler script. This does not cause Microsoft

CodeView for Windows to halt because the process of switching to a

character-based application allows control to be transferred.


Remove the DS_SYSMODAL style from the dialog box during

debugging of the dialog box procedure. Add this style back into

the dialog box statement when debugging the dialog box procedure

is complete.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in QuickC for Windows

version 1.0. We are researching this problem and will post new

information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

The following steps illustrate the problem:

1. Run the Dialog Editor and choose New from the File menu.

2. Choose Styles from the Edit menu and select the System Modal check


3. Choose OK.

4. Choose Save from the File menu to save the file.

5. Enter the name of the file (must have an .RES extension) and

choose OK.

6. Exit the Dialog Editor.

7. Run QuickCase:W and click the double chevron braces ( <<>> ) to

add a menu item.

8. Type in a name for the menu.

9. In the Link To list box, choose Dialog Box.

10. Choose the Configure Link button and a dialog box will appear

in which you can enter the name of the dialog box you want to

link to that menu item.

11. Enter the name of the previously made dialog box (.DLG file) in

the File Name edit box and choose OK.

12. Choose OK in the Insert Menu Item dialog box and the menu item

will be displayed in the prototype menu.

13. Choose Generate from the Build menu and type in a name for the

prototype file (must have a .WIN extension).

14. Choose OK and QuickCase:W will begin generating the corresponding

code files.

15. Upon completion, choose OK in the QuickCase:W dialog box and exit

QuickCase:W by choosing Exit from the File menu.

16. Run QC/Win and open the project you just created by choosing Open

from the Project menu and entering the filename in the File Name

edit box.

17. Choose OK to return to the environment.

18. Open the C file associated with your project by choosing Open from

the File menu and entering the filename in the File Name edit box.

19. Choose OK to return to the environment.

20. Locate the dialog messaging procedure and place the cursor on the

return statement within the default case for the switch statement.

Press F9 to set a breakpoint. This will cause the debugger to stop

at this location in the program when choosing the menu item

created in QuickCase:W.

21. Set Build Mode to Debug by choosing Project from the Options menu.

22. Choose F5 to build and run the application. (A dialog may appear

stating that the project file has changed. If this occurs, choose

OK and the build process will continue.)

The application will run without problems until you choose the menu

item you created. When the application tries to initialize the dialog

box, the system will begin to behave incorrectly and/or halt. At this

point, restarting the system is the only way to exit the problem.

Additional reference words: caseworks qcwin qcw 1.00 hang