QCW9203006: UAE Generated If Loading an Earlier Version .RES

ID Number: Q82285







When using the Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) Graphical

Development Environment version 1.0, an unrecoverable application

error (UAE) may occur if an .RES file created by a version of the

Dialog Editor earlier than version 3.05 is loaded into version

3.05. The process below has been observed when a control is defined

in the dialog box.

Prior to the UAE, the following message box appears:

The controls in the resource file <filename.RES> are all missing

the WS_VISIBLE style. This file was probably created by an older

version of the Dialog Editor. Should the visible style be set on

all the controls?

The user is then prompted to choose Yes or No. If Yes is chosen,

the UAE will be generated.


To work around the problem, there are two changes that must be

made to the .DLG file so that it will work correctly:

1. Open the .DLG file in QC/Win. Find and remove the IMPURE

attribute from the DIALOG statement line. This will eliminate

the error stated below that is generated by QCase:W when trying

to generate a .C file that uses the dialog box.

2. Within the dialog box description, each control that was defined

using the older version of the dialog editor will contain the

NOT WS_VISIBLE attribute. Remove the NOT descriptor from each of

these so that the controls appear in the dialog box.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in QC/Win version 1.0.

We are researching this problem and will post new information here

as it becomes available.

More Information:

If the user chooses No in the message box displayed by version 3.05 of

the Dialog Editor, the .RES file will load without giving the UAE, but

will change the .DLG file if it is saved. This prevents the dialog box

from appearing at run time, and generates the following error message


Dialog script file inconsistency

<dialog nameID>

Return code 631

Additional reference words: 1.00 qcwin qcw