ID Number: Q50733
5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 | 5.10 6.00 6.00a
Microsoft C will never generate an array element that spans a segment
boundary. If a customer generates a scenario where this situation
occurs, Microsoft C will generate incorrect addresses for the element
that crosses the segment boundary. Placing elements such that they
could cross a segment boundary is an incorrect coding technique, not a
problem with Microsoft C and huge pointer addressing.
More Information:
For instance, if a huge character buffer has been allocated and
structure data has been copied to this buffer, it is possible to
access this data in structure format. First set a huge pointer to the
address of the structure you want, and then specify the huge pointer
followed by the structure pointer operator (->) and the name of
element you want to access.
However, if the structure you are looking at crosses a segment
boundary, then the indirection will fail. If the element of the
structure you are referencing is in another segment, your pointer will
usually end up offsetting by the correct number of bytes, but in the
current segment and not the next segment.
Sample Code
char huge buffer[70000]; /* Any huge buffer larger than 64K */
struct x { int x,y,z; }; /* Any structure */
/* Assume that buffer has been filled with many structures of type x.
Because the structures were put into the buffer via byte copy, it
is very likely that one of the structures will cross over the segment
boundary. */
struct x huge *test_ptr; /* A huge pointer to x */
test_ptr = (struct x huge *)(buffer+( 65536 - sizeof(struct x) ) );
/* test_ptr is now equal to some offset into huge character buffer.
It is assumed that the user has given test_ptr a legitimate address
of a structure that is contained in the buffer in an attempt to access
that structure. */
test_ptr->z = 5;
/* The line above will create an incorrect address for the element z if
z is in a segment other than the one specified by the huge pointer.
This address will probably end up as the correct offset but in the
same segment because, although the pointer is huge, it still will not
compute the segment when used with indirection. This is also why
huge structure arrays are padded and why huge arrays larger than
128K must have elements whose size is a power of two. */
Note: This problem can avoided by simply creating a huge array of
structures instead of characters. The compiler will take care of
padding the array so that an array element (a structure) will not
cross a segment boundary.
This apparently is a problem in the compiler because the huge pointer
cannot access data beyond a segment boundary. The situation where an
array element crosses a segment boundary would never be generated by
Microsoft C, however. Accordingly, the huge pointer arithmetic does
not account for such a situation. This is not a problem in the
compiler, but an error in the code.
Additional reference words: 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00