OS/2 LAN Manager: Default ADMIN Account Expires on 09-10-90

ID Number: Q64747




After installing OS/2 LAN Manager version 2.00, I'm able to log on

using the NET LOGON ADMIN PASSWORD command, but when I try to run a

NET ADMIN command, I receive the following error messages:

SYS0005: Access Denied


You have no privileges at \\<servername>

While the NET ADMIN full-screen interface is running, all options are

grayed except for the following:


Config->Log off from LAN

Accounts->Your Account

Accounts->Change your password

Why are these error messages occurring?


OS/2 LAN Manager version 2.00 is shipped with the following default

user-level security settings:

Maximum password age: Valid for [90] days

The ADMIN account is set with the following:

Password last changed : 6-12-90 01:50am

Password expires : 9-10-90 01:50am

If OS/2 LAN Manager version 2.00 is not installed prior to September

10, 1990, or the ADMIN default password is not changed before this

date, the above "access denied" error message will occur.

To make the default ADMIN account usable again, the password for this

account must be changed by using one of the following options:

1. Using NET ADMIN, select the following:

a. Accounts->Change your password.

b. Enter the old password, followed by the new password. Be sure to

remember the new password.

c. The Administrator options will be grayed until you sign onto

ADMIN using the new password.

2. From an OS/2 command line, do the following:

a. Enter the following command



<servername> = The OS/2 LAN Manager machine name assigned to

your server.

* = The "*" causes the system to prompt for the

new password.

<newpassword> = The new password to assign to the ADMIN


b. Type the user's new password: <newpassword>.

c. Retype your password to confirm: <newpassword> that the command

has completed successfully.

After changing the ADMIN's password, log off and log on again using

the new password (NET LOGON ADMIN <newpassword>). After this, full

administrative privileges will be available to the ADMIN account.

If the workstation's domain includes an OS/2 LAN Manager master domain

controller (running the NETLOGON service) and the default ADMIN

account expires, the administrator will be prompted to enter a new

password in response to the NET LOGON ADMIN <oldpassword> command as


Your password for the <domain> domain has expired.

Please change your password now.

Type in your new password: <newpassword>

Retype your new password to confirm: <newpassword>

followed by:

Password has been changed, continuing logon process.

The server \\<servername> successfully logged you on as admin.

Your privilege level on this domain is ADMIN.