INF: UPS Models That Support OS/2 LAN Manager 2.0 UPS Service

ID Number: Q65409




The following UPS brands/models have been tested/reviewed by Microsoft

and support the OS/2 LAN Manager version 2.0 UPS service:

Model(s) Company Phone 1 Phone 2

-------- ------- ------- -------

MinuteMan Para Systems Inc. (800) 238-7272 (214) 446-7363


UniPower Unison Technologies (800) 345-9299 (714) 855-8700

Alpha 300FR Alpha Technologies (206) 671-7703

UPS 600LS American Power Conversion (800) 443-4519 (401) 789-5735

(and several

other models)

Best Power Technology (800) 356-5794

(ext. 1776)

Sutton Designs (607) 277-4301

SAFE Power Systems (800) 325-5848

BC-750 Tripp-Lite (312) 329-1337

386/RSI, 15A/RSI Viteq (301) 731-0400

Note: Several other UPS manufacturers claim compatibility with

Microsoft's UPS service; however, their products have not yet been


More Information:

For more information on configuring a UPS for use with LAN Manager,

please consult the "Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Reference"

and the UPS user's guide.