QuickC for Windows Chooses Italic Versions of TrueType Fonts

ID Number: Q82256




If Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) is used with the Microsoft

Windows operating system version 3.1, TrueType fonts may display as

the italic versions of the chosen fonts. However, bitmap or vector

fonts display correctly.

More Information:

When you select a font in QC/Win, the list of fonts is based upon the

[Fonts] section of the WIN.INI file. That is, QC/Win enumerates fonts

by NULL face name and those are the names that it puts in its font


If, for example, the Arial Italic line is before the Arial line in the

WIN.INI file, Windows 3.1 enumerates the Arial Italic line. QC/Win

then lists "Arial" in the font box but will create Arial Italic when

Arial is chosen.



To correct this problem, sort the [Fonts] section of the WIN.INI file

so that the normal version of the font appears before the italic


Additional reference words: 3.10 3.1 QCWIN True Type Quick C