INF: Using QuickCase:W When an Icon Is in a Dialog Box

ID Number: Q83643




When using the QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) Graphical Development

Environment version 1.0, you may want to generate code with QuickCase:W

to link in a dialog box that contains an icon. The following describes

the steps required to do this:

1. Create a new icon using the Image Editor.

2. Using the Dialog Editor, create a dialog box that contains the icon:

a. Enter the Dialog Editor.

b. From the File menu, choose New.

c. In the "Dlg. Sym." edit box, enter a symbol name for the dialog


d. Choose the icon symbol from the tool bar (lower-left button),

and place the icon in the dialog box by clicking in the

displayed dialog box.

e. Add a symbol name to the "Icon Sym." edit field. This name must

be the same as the base name of the file to be generated using


f. From the File menu, choose Save As, type a name for the file

(must have a .RES extension), and then choose OK. This will save

the file.

g. Exit the Dialog Editor.

3. Create the prototype file and generate the code using QuickCase:W:

a. Enter QuickCase:W.

b. Click the double-chevron braces (<<>>) in the prototype menu; a

dialog box labeled Insert Menu Item will appear.

c. Type a name in the Name edit field.

d. From the Link To combo box, select Dialog Box.

e. Choose the Configure Link button and type the name of the dialog

box (if this is in a different directory, type the full path or

select the correct path using the Directories list box).

f. Press ENTER to exit this dialog box and register the dialog

name, and then choose OK to exit the Insert Menu Item dialog.

g. From the Design menu, choose Icon, type the name of the icon,

and then press ENTER. This selects the icon as the default

program icon, which will be displayed when the program is

minimized. Please note that QuickCase:W has the capability of

linking in only one icon per application.

h. From the File menu, choose Save As, type a name for the

prototype file (must have a .WIN extension), and press ENTER to

save the file.

i. From the Build menu, choose Generate to build the files that

correspond to the prototype.

j. Exit QuickCase:W.

4. Build and run the program in QC/Win:

a. Invoke QC/Win and choose Open from the Project menu.

b. Load the project file that was generated by QuickCase:W. Press

F5 to compile, link, and execute the program.

c. Click the menu item you generated, and the dialog box containing

the icon will be displayed.

Additional reference words: qcwin qcw qcase qcasew 1.00