Command Line Option /E Generates a Bad Fixup Record

ID Number: Q30381





The assembler will generate bad fixup records for floating point


An example of this problem is the "FMUL" instruction, which will

generate the following fixup record:


003: fixup seg rel offset offset 0 fixup on 0xde9b

frame loc target ext "FIDRQQ"

The frame method "loc" means Intel frame method number four. This

means the fixup frame is the same as the segment of the location.

For floating point symbols this is meaningless, particularly in

OS/2 and Windows. The frame method should be changed to frame method

number five. Frame method number five would make the frame and the

target segment the same.

The LINK utility will ignore the frame method.

More Information:

Microsoft is researching this problem and will post new information

as it becomes available.