INF: Printing the Image of a Dialog Box

ID Number: Q83939




Using the Dialog Editor included with the Microsoft QuickC for Windows

(QC/Win) Graphical Development Environment version 1.0, it is not

possible to print the image of a dialog box. However, the image can be

copied and pasted to the Windows Paintbrush program, Windows Write,

Word for Windows, or virtually any other Windows word processor, and

then printed from that application.

More Information:

Printing the image of a dialog box created by the Dialog Editor

requires the following steps:

1. Create the dialog box.

a. Start the Dialog Editor.

b. From the File menu, choose New.

c. Include any dialog box features desired for the dialog box.

Note that if a dialog box resource (.RES) file already exists, it

can be opened into the Dialog Editor using the Open command from

the File menu. For more information, please refer to Chapter 1 of

the "Microsoft QuickC for Windows Toolkit" manual, which describes

how to use the Dialog Editor.

2. Copy the dialog box image and paste it to Paintbrush.

a. Select the entire dialog box to copy by clicking the background

of the dialog box. This step is important because all parts of

the dialog can be copied separately.

b. From the Edit menu, choose Copy (or press CTRL+INS or ALT+PRINT

SCREEN) to copy the dialog box to the clipboard.

c. Enter Paintbrush and choose Paste from the Edit menu.

Please note that the process described above only copies dialog

boxes that are presently being edited. ALT+PRINT SCREEN can copy

the image of any dialog box or window in the Windows environment,

and works only in 386 enhanced mode. Please refer to page 58 of the

"Microsoft Windows User's Guide" for additional information about

copying an entire Window.

3. Print the dialog.

The dialog box image is in bitmap (.BMP) format. If desired,

Paintbrush may be used to alter any features of the dialog box

before printing. From the File menu, Choose Print to print the

image. Please refer to Chapter 8 of "Microsoft Windows User's

Guide" for additional information about how to use Paintbrush.

Additional reference words: pbrush.exe dlgedit.exe qcwin qcw quick 1.00