INF: Unresolved Externals on Graphics Functions

ID Number: Q84344




When using the Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win) Graphical

Development Environment version 1.0, if any of the following graphics

library functions are used, an L2029 error message will be produced by

the linker even though GRAPHICS.LIB is included in the project list.







More Information:

There are three memory-model-dependent graphics object modules that

are included in a QuickC for MS-DOS combined library. These object

modules are:




The graphics functions listed above are defined only in QCWINDOW.OBJ

and not in GRAPHICS.LIB. The remaining modules (GRFPINIT.OBJ and

GRWINDOW.OBJ) include functions that are called internally by the

graphics functions in QCWINDOW.OBJ.

If any of the above graphics functions are used in an MS-DOS program

that is compiled and linked under QC/Win, the QCWINDOW.OBJ,

GRFPINIT.OBJ, and GRWINDOW.OBJ object modules should be copied from

the relevant memory-model QuickC library and combined with the

corresponding QC/Win MS-DOS library.

The following Library Manager (LIB.EXE) commands can accomplish the

above task:

1. Copy from the QuickC for MS-DOS library the three object modules

that correspond to the memory model you are using. To do this, use

LIB.EXE (Library Manager utility) from the MS-DOS command line. The

following command will accomplish this:

lib slibce.lib *qcwindow.obj *grfpinit.obj *grwindow.obj;

Note that SLIBCE.LIB is the small memory model MS-DOS library.

2. Combine these three modules with the corresponding QC/Win MS-DOS

library. Use the following command to do this:

lib slibcer.lib +qcwindow.obj+grfpinit.obj+grwindow.obj;

Note that SLIBCER.LIB is the small memory model library for


Once these steps are completed, link the program as you normally would

within the QC/Win environment; the unresolved external errors will not

be generated.

Additional reference words: qcwin quick qcw 1.00