PRB: Some Windows GDI Functions Fail on Banding Printers

ID Number: Q35857

2.03 2.10 3.00



When an application prints using the NEWFRAME escape on a banding

device, and then tries to use a GDI function that is not supported

in metafiles, the function does not produce any output.


Some GDI functions that work on the display fail on banding

printers. When an application prints using the NEWFRAME escape on a

banding device, GDI diverts each page to an intermediate metafile.

This metafile is then played back to each band on the device.


The workaround is to use NEXTBAND instead of NEWFRAME on banding

devices; in this case, a metafile will not be used.

Please note that some functions, such as the GetTextMetrics()

function and similar types of functions that do not attempt to

produce output, do work correctly with banding printer drivers

because the call is directed to the printer driver, not the

intermediate metafile.