ID Number: Q75472




LZEXPAND.DLL is a dynamic-link library that provides functions to

read, expand, and copy both regular files and files compressed by the

Lempel-Ziv encoding program COMPRESS.EXE, provided with the Windows

version 3.0 Software Development Kit (SDK). This article documents

the services provided by LZEXPAND.DLL.

Note: This information applies ONLY to Windows version 3.0. The

services provided in the next version of Windows will have a different


More Information:

The LZInit, LZOpen, and LZClose functions perform necessary

housekeeping (and open and close files). The LZRead and LZSeek

functions can operate on both compressed and normal files. The

LZCopy function copies files and decompresses them if necessary.

The LZSeek, LZRead, and LZClose functions can determine if the

parameter passed in is a regular MS-DOS file handle or a

compressed-file-information structure identifier, and will act

appropriately. The LZOpenFile, LZSeek, LZRead, and LZClose

functions can be called as replacements for the OpenFile,

_llseek, _lread, and _lclose functions, respectively, without

regard to the compression state of the files.

A detailed explanation of the purpose, syntax, and parameters of each

LZEXPAND.DLL function is listed below:



Syntax: LONG LZCopy(doshSource, doshDest)

This function copies the source file to the destination file.

If the source file is compressed, it is decompressed as it is


Parameter Type/Description

--------- ----------------

doshSource int Specifies the MS-DOS file handle of the

source file. The source file may be either

compressed or uncompressed.

doshDest int Specifies the MS-DOS file handle of the

destination file. The destination file will be

an uncompressed file.

Return The return value is the number of bytes written to the

Value: destination file, or it is one of the LZERROR codes listed


Code Description

---- -----------

LZERROR_BADINHANDLE (-1) Invalid input handle

LZERROR_BADOUTHANDLE (-2) Invalid output handle

LZERROR_READ (-3) Bad compressed file format

LZERROR_WRITE (-4) Out of space for output file

LZERROR_GLOBALLOC (-5) Insufficient memory for buffers

LZERROR_GLOBLOCK (-6) Bad global handle

Comment: The doshSource and doshDest parameters should be MS-DOS file

handles returned either by the Windows OpenFile function,

or by the MS-DOS open file functions (open, _dos_open, or

_lopen). If the files are opened with the LZOpenFile

function, the files will be copied properly; however, the

LZOpenFile call will allocate an unused

compressed-file-information structure for the compressed

source file.

Using the LZCopy function is the fastest way to copy a file




Syntax: int LZOpenFile(lpFileName, lpReOpenBuf, wStyle)

This function opens a file using the OpenFile function. If

the file is opened in read-only mode and it is compressed,

the LZOpenFile function also calls the LZInit function to

allocate and initialize a compressed-file-information data


Parameter Type/Description

--------- ----------------

lpFileName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated character

string that names the file to open. The string

must contain characters from the ANSI

character set.

lpReOpenBuff LPOFSTRUCT Points to the OFSTRUCT data

structure to be used by the OpenFile

function (for more information, see pages 4-322

to 4-325 of the "Microsoft Windows Software

Development Kit Reference, volume 1").

wStyle WORD Specifies action to be taken by the

OpenFile function.

Return If the file is opened in any mode other than read-only

Value: or if the file is not compressed, the LZOpenFile function

returns the return value from the OpenFile function, an

MS-DOS file handle. If the file was opened in read-only mode

and it is compressed, the LZOpenFile function returns an

identifier for the compressed-file-information data structure

created by the LZInit function. If the file cannot be

opened, -1 is returned. If the file can be opened, however

the compressed-file-information data structure cannot be

allocated, then the file is closed, and -1 is returned.

Comment: Files that are compressed with COMPRESS.EXE have a special

header. The LZOpenFile function uses this header to

determine if the file is compressed.



Syntax: int LZInit(doshSource)

This function allocates and initializes a compressed-file-

information data structure if it is passed a file handle for

a compressed file.

Parameter Type/Description

--------- ----------------

doshSource int Specifies the MS-DOS file handle returned

by the OpenFile, _lopen, or open

functions. The file should have been opened


Return If the file is compressed, an identifier for a compressed

Value: file information structure is returned. If the file is not

compressed, the MS-DOS file handle is returned. If a read

error occurs while initializing the data structure, or if

there is insufficient heap space to allocate the structure,

-1 is returned.

Comment: Storage for the compressed file information structure is

allocated from the global heap.



Syntax: LONG LZSeek(hLZFile, lOffset, iOrigin)

This function repositions the pointer in a previously opened


Parameter Type/Description

--------- ----------------

hLZFile int Specifies the MS-DOS file handle or the

identifier for compressed-file-information

data structure. It is best to open the file by

calling the LZOpenFile function, which calls

the LZInit function. However, the normal

Windows OpenFile function can be used instead,

followed by a call to the LZInit function to

allocate and initialize the data structures used

by the expansion algorithm.

lOffset LONG Specifies the number of bytes the

pointer is to be moved.

iOrigin int Specifies the seek origin as used by

the _llseek function.

Return The return value is the new position in the file or -1

Value: if the seek is unsuccessful.

Comment: If the file is not compressed, the LZSeek function calls

the _llseek function with the MS-DOS file handle. If the

file is compressed, the _llseek function is emulated on the

expanded image of the file.



Syntax: int LZRead(hLZFile, lpBuffer, wBytes)

If the file specified by hLZFile is not compressed, the

LZRead function calls the _lread function to read the file.

If the file is compressed, the file is read, decompressed, and

copied into lpBuffer until either the EOF is reached or wBytes

bytes have been written to lpBuffer.

Parameter Type/Description

--------- ----------------

hLZFile int Specifies the MS-DOS file handle or the

identifier for compressed-file-information

data structure for file to be read. It is best

to open the file by calling the LZOpenFile

function, which calls the LZInit function.

However, the normal Windows OpenFile function

can be used instead, followed by a call to the

LZInit function to allocate and initialize the

data structures used by the expansion algorithm.

lpBuffer LPSTR Pointer to the buffer that is to

receive the data read from the file.

wBytes WORD Specifies number of bytes to be read

from file.

Return The return value specifies the number of bytes written

Value: to lpBuffer. It is less than wBytes only if the EOF has been

reached. If the read fails, the return value is -1.



Syntax: VOID LZClose(hLZFile)

This function closes the file specified by the hLZFile

parameter. If the file is compressed, the global heap space

occupied by the compressed file information structure is


Parameter Type/Description

--------- ----------------

hLZFile int Specifies the MS-DOS file handle or the

identifier for compressed-file-information

data structure for the file to be closed.