INF: How to Calculate Available File Handles at Run Time

ID Number: Q51434

5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 | 5.10 6.00 6.00a



The following code sample allows you to find out how many file handles

are available at run time for a particular process. The function makes

use of the predefined pointers _iob and _lastiob, which are set to

point to the first and the last input/output information blocks,

respectively. The I/O blocks are examined to determine whether they

are in use, and a total number of available file handles is produced.

There is no equivalent C library function currently available.

Note: This is not necessarily an indication of the maximum number of

physical files that can be opened. The system-wide limit is set in

MS-DOS by FILES= in the CONFIG.SYS file. In OS/2, this limit is

arbitrarily governed by system resources and is modified for each

process by DosSetMaxFH().

More Information:

Sample Code


#define FILE struct _iobuf

#ifndef NO_EXT_KEYS /* Extensions enabled */

#define _CDECL cdecl

#define _NEAR near

#else /* Extensions not enabled */

#define _CDECL

#define _NEAR

#endif /* NO_EXT_KEYS */

#define _IOREAD 0x01 /* Open for read bit */

#define _IOWRT 0x02 /* Open for write bit */

#define _IORW 0x80 /* Open for read/write bit */

FILE /* File handle table entry */


char *_ptr;

int _cnt;

char *_base;

char _flag;

char _file;

}_NEAR _CDECL _iob[], /*Set to first I/O block at run time*/

*_lastiob; /* Set to last I/O block */


All of the above definitions were taken from the STDIO.H header

file except for _lastiob[], which is not defined. This information

was extracted to make the example more clear.



The following macro will check the availability of a file handle

by examining the _flag member of the I/O block


#define inuse(s) ((s)->_flag & (_IOREAD|_IOWRT|_IORW))


The following routine loops through the total number of I/O blocks

and checks the flags to see if it is used or not. The number of

unused handles is returned, which can be 1 to the maximum number of

file handles as set by the operating system or the FILES= command

in the CONFIG.SYS file.


int Number_Of_Handles(void)


FILE *stream = _iob;

int count;

count = 0;


if (inuse(stream)) count++;

while(stream++ < _lastiob);

return(((_lastiob - _iob)+1)-count);


void main(void)


int i;

i = Number_Of_Handles();

/* i is now set to the number of available file handles */


The table of I/O blocks that is being checked here was allocated at

run time according to the maximum number of file handles allowed per


Additional reference words: 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 S_QUICKC