LAN Manager 2.00 DISK01.SYS Information

ID Number: Q65469




The file BASEDDnn.SYS, where "nn" is 01 for ISA and EISA (non-ABIOS)

machines, and 02 for PS/2 MCA (ABIOS) machines, is located in the root

directory of the primary partition. This file is the default driver

file for the clock, screen, disk driver, etc., and is limited to a 64K

file size. Adding specific device drivers such as DISKnn.SYS,

KBDnn.SYS, etc., allows you to work around the 64K file size limit,

and also adds functionality that is missing in BASEDDnn.SYS. These

files are also placed in the root directory.

OS/2 LAN Manager version 2.00 offers to install a DISKnn.SYS file to

add functions that are not supported in BASEDDnn.SYS. The DISKnn.SYS

file is part of OS/2 and is not on the OS/2 LAN Manager disks. Compaq

OS/2 version 1.21 automatically installs this file during its

installation and then OS/2 LAN Manager does not also need to install

this file. The OS/2 LAN Manager setup program will, however, still

offer to install this file.

Two important functions in DISKnn.SYS used by OS/2 LAN Manager are

fault tolerance and a disk read/write technique called "scatter

gather." DISKnn.SYS supports fault tolerance when it is enabled with

some ring 3 utilities and interfaces to the DISKFT.SYS driver.

HPFS386, the file system packaged with OS/2 LAN Manager, uses the

enhanced device driver interface called "scatter gather." This

interface allows multiple requests to be chained together and passed

to the driver all at once, which saves the overhead of calling the

driver multiple times.

In addition, within each request, there is the capability to specify a

list of separate memory areas to be used for the target of the read or

write operation. Together, the list of memory areas and the multiple

requests allow the file system to pass a single packet to the device

driver that handles discontiguity on the disk media, and discontiguity

in memory.

HPFS386 does not require that this interface to the disk driver be

supported, rather it will use it if it is there. HPFS386 will function

without the use of DISKnn.SYS. OS/2 LAN Manager also functions without

DISKnn.SYS but will use the extra functionality if it is installed.