Maximum Number of Mirrored Drives Allowed in OS/2 LAN Man 2.00

ID Number: Q65534




The number of drives that can be mirrored in OS/2 LAN Manager version

2.00 is limited by the maximum number of disk partitions allowed in

Microsoft OS/2 version 1.20. In Microsoft OS/2 version 1.20, you can

have up to 24 partitions. Drive mirroring sets up two identical

partitions that are recognized by the operating system as a single

logical drive, and you also need to set aside one partition as the

boot partition (this partition can't be mirrored). Thus, the maximum

number of mirrored drives that is allowed is 11. For example:

24 <= maximum number of partitions in OS/2 version 1.20

- 1 <= boot partition (can't mirror)



22 <= round from 23 (even number of drives required for mirroring)

/ 2 <= divide by 2 (one logical drive per two partitions)


==> 11 <==