Resolving FTSETUP "Not Enough Disk Space to Mirror Drive" Err.

ID Number: Q65535




I am trying to implement fault tolerance on a Compaq Deskpro with two

325 MB hard disk drives. When I run FTSETUP to mirror drive D, I get

the error message, "There is not enough disk space to mirror drive."

My first hard disk drive (logical drive C) has a boot partition of 80

MB and an extended partition (logical drive D) of 245 MB. The second

hard disk drive has been partitioned the same way (logical drive E of

80 MB and logical drive F of 245 MB). Both hard disk drives are

straight HPFS and, other than OS/2 and OS/2 LAN Manager on drive C,

there is nothing else on the hard disk drives. Why is this error

message displayed?


Mirrored partitions are created in the UNUSED space of the extended

partition on the second drive. Logical drives take up space, so

FTSETUP was unable to set up a mirrored drive. To correctly install

fault tolerance at this point, you need to delete the logical drive

and try the mirror operation again.

Several other potential reasons for this error message are listed


1. Attempting to mirror the boot partition

You cannot mirror the boot partition.

2. Attempting to mirror on the same drive

Drive mirroring can only be performed on a computer with two hard


3. Not enough extended partition space on the mirroring drive

Use FTSETUP or the PM fixed disk utility (FDISK) to delete the disk
