Installing LAN Manager 2.00 on IBM OS/2 1.2 EE

ID Number: Q65790




LAN Manager version 2.00 can be installed on IBM OS/2 version 1.2

Extended Edition (EE). The EE must have a Corrective Service Diskette

(CSD) number of WR04053 or greater.

To install LAN Manager 2.00 on EE, perform the following steps:

1. Install EE without installing any of the extended services. That

is, do not install the Communications Manager (CM), the Database

Manager (DM), or the LAN Requester.

2. Use a text editor to remove the reference to the "C:\MUGLIB;"

subdirectory in both the "Libpath" and "Path" lines of the

CONFIG.SYS file in the root directory of Drive C.

3. Reboot the computer.

4. Install LAN Manager 2.00 as usual.

NOTE: Under normal circumstances, the LAN Manager 2.00 installer will

replace the EE Print Manager (Spooler) with its own spooler. If there

is any question of whether the spooler has been properly replaced, the

EE Spooler can be disabled from the Disable menu (from the Print

Manager's Setup menu, choose Spooler; from the Spooler menu, choose

Disable) before Step 3 (above), rebooting the computer, and installing

LAN Manager 2.00.

NOTE: WR04053 is not the IBM EE and LAN Server CSD number necessary to

run Microsoft SQL Server 1.10. The CSD necessary for SQL Server 1.10

has not yet been announced by IBM.