Extra Line-Feed Character Generated in Four-Digit Listing File

ID Number: Q30421

5.1O 5.10a | 5.10 5.10A


buglist5.10 buglist5.10a fixlist6.00


If the current date consists of four digits (e.g. 1/2/88),

Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) versions 5.10 and 5.10a will

produce an assembly-listing file with extra blank lines in the

page headings.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in MASM versions 5.1

and 5.1a. This problem was corrected in MASM version 6.0.

More Information:

The following assembly-listing files were generated from the same

source code. The only difference is the date on which they were

created. Note the extra blank line between the data and the page

number on the first listing.

Listing 1


Microsoft Ò Macro Assembler Version 5.10 1/2/88 19:55:07

Page 1-1

Listing 2


Microsoft Ò Macro Assembler Version 5.10 1/23/88 19:55:07

Page 1-1