INF: RC.EXE (Resource Compiler) Switch Definitions

ID Number: Q35950

2.03 2.10 3.00



The switches that apply to both the Windows versions 2.x and 3.0

Resource Compiler are as follows (all switches are case-insensitive).

More switches that specifically apply to the Windows version 3.0

Resource Compiler are listed below:




Prints a help message and quits.



Internal, not for application use.



Makes only the binary .RES file as documented in the

"Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Programmer's




Sets the swap area size similar to the way it is set by the

SetSwapAreaSize function. It must be followed by an

additional argument of the following form to set the size in

kilobytes or paragraphs. For example:

ddddK or ddddP

This switch is not supported in the Windows version 3.0

Resource Compiler.


Verbose mode. Displays messages to show progress. This switch

is not supported in the Windows version 2.x Resource Compiler;

it is ignored.




Tells Windows that the application uses expanded memory

directly, using the LIM (Lotus/Intel/Microsoft) version 3.2





Assigns a distinct EMS (Expanded Memory Specification) bank

to each instance of the application. The default is for all

instances to share the same EMS bank.



Enables DLLs (dynamic-link libraries) loaded through the

LoadLibrary function (generally GDI device drivers) to use

memory above the bank line. By default, all such libraries'

GlobalAlloc calls will go below the bank line, regardless

of the flags that are used. The -e switch reenables the


The following switches were added to the Windows version 3.0 Resource



Renames the .RES file to the specified name.


Renames the .EXE file to the specified name.


Searches the specified directory before searching the

directories specified by the INCLUDE environment variable.


Prevents the compiler from using the INCLUDE environment



Marks the DLL as private, preventing multiple instances

from linking to it.


Disables the load optimization feature of the Resource

Compiler. Segments will appear in the order specified in the

.DEF file.


Marks the application as running in protected mode only.

Additional reference words: 2.x 2.03 2.10 3.00