CV2206 WARNING: Corrupt Debug OMF Detected in FOO.OBJ...

ID Number: Q64438

5.10 | 5.10



When loading a Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) program into CodeView

version 3.00, the following warning is received:

CV2206 WARNING: Corrupt debug OMF detected in FOO.OBJ, discarding

source line information

In this example, the program was assembled and linked with CodeView


The warning is caused because the program was written with full

segment declarations and the CODE segment was not declared class


The problem does not appear when using dot-segment declarations.

More Information:

The following code causes this error:

stack segment stack para 'stack'

db 100 dup (?)

stack ends

text segment

assume cs:text

main proc


main endp

text ends

end main

The following code does not cause this error:

stack segment stack para 'stack'

db 100 dup (?)

stack ends

text segment 'code'

assume cs:text

main proc


main endp

text ends

end main