ID Number: Q72387
3.00 3.10
On a device that supports the Windows palette management function, an
application can create a logical palette, select the palette into a
device context (DC), and realize the palette, which maps its colors
into the system (hardware) palette. The GetDeviceCaps function informs
an application whether a given device is capable of performing palette
manipulation and, if so, the size of the palette. This article
discusses the GetDeviceCaps function and how it is used.
More Information:
To determine whether a device can perform palette operations, call the
GetDeviceCaps function with the RASTERCAPS parameter. If the
RC_PALETTE bit of the return is set, the device supports the palette
management functions.
To determine how many colors in the system palette are available for
the application to use, the following parameters can be used in a
GetDeviceCaps function call:
Parameter Description
--------- -----------
SIZEPALETTE Total number of entries in the system palette
NUMRESERVED Number of reserved (static) colors in the system
This functionality is demonstrated in the MyPal sample code that is
included on the Windows version 3.x Software Development Kit (SDK)
Source Code 2 disk. For a demonstration, start MyPal and click the
right mouse button.
The reserved colors are entries in the system palette that are used by
Windows and cannot be changed by an application [except by using the
SetSystemPaletteUse function, which is not recommended]. The reserved
colors are used for the following purposes:
Active border
Active caption
Background color MDI applications
Desktop background color
Push button faces
Push button edges
Push button text
Caption text
Disabled (gray) text
Highlight color in controls (to highlight items in the control)
Highlight text color
Inactive border
Inactive caption
Inactive caption text (new to Windows version 3.1)
Menu background
Menu text
Scroll-bar gray area
Window background
Window frame
Window text
Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10 3.x dim unavailable