INF: Baseline Shifts in Cell When Character Italicized

ID Number: Q72460




When a font is italicized under Windows version 3.0, the dimensions of

the character cells change because the descender of the character may

require more space at the left edge of the character cell.

Because the character cell is larger, the relative position of the

baseline of the character within the cell changes. The baseline itself

is not affected, but when a character is drawn italic and nonitalic

with the TextOut() function at the same x coordinate, the baseline of

the italic font is shifted a few pixels to the right.

To account for this shift, calculate the slope of the font -- ascent

divided by overhang -- after italicization. Using this slope, the

number of pixels by which the character cell was expanded left is

equal to descent divided by slope, or (descent times overhang) divided

by ascent. This value can be subtracted from the x coordinate in the

TextOut() call to align the baselines.

More Information:

Consider the character "f". In a normal character cell, it would

appear as:

^ ........

| ........

| ...xx...

| ..x..x..

Ascent| ..x.....

| ..xx....

| ..x.....

| ..x.....

| ..x.....

v .xxx....<-baseline

Descent^ ........

v ........

When italicized, the descent is shifted to the left and the ascent is

shifted to the right, along a line of constant slope equal to the

ascent divided by the overhang:

^ ............

| ............

| .......xx...

| ......x..x..

Ascent| .....x......

| .....xx.....

| ....x.......

| ....x.......

| ...x........


Descent^ ............

v ............



Because the descent of the character is shifted left according to the

slope of the line, this particular character cell has been expanded

one pixel left, which has the effect of shifting the baseline in the

character cell one pixel right.

Since the overhang represents the amount the ascent of the character

is shifted right in the cell, the corresponding shift of the descent

can be calculated and can be called the "underhang":

descent * overhang

underhang = --------------------


When calling the TextOut() function, use the normal x-coordinate where

the text should be drawn, but subtract the underhang. This places the

baseline of the character exactly where it would be if the character

were not italic.