INF: Windows Documentation of WIN.INI Definitions

ID Number: Q35983

2.03 2.10 3.00



The Windows version 3.0 Setup program copies two text files,

WININI.TXT and WININI2.TXT, which describe WIN.INI, and three text

files called SYSINI.TXT, SYSINI2.TXT, and SYSINI3.TXT, which describe

SYSTEM.INI. Additional information can be found in the "Microsoft

Windows User's Guide" shipped with the version 3.0 retail Windows


For version 2.0, documentation that defines the various items in the

WIN.INI file can be found in Chapter 7, section 7.4, "Windows

Initialization File," in the "Microsoft Windows Software Development

Kit Programmer's Reference," starting on page 653.

Additional information on WIN.INI is included on page 271 of the

"Microsoft Windows User's Guide" that is shipped with version 2.0 of

the retail Windows product.