INF: Remove Data from PRINTER.H and PSCRIPT.H Header Files

ID Number: Q72238

3.00 3.10



The PRINTER.H and PSCRIPT.H header files provided with versions 3.0

and 3.1 of the Microsoft Windows Device Development Kit (DDK) contain

invalid function and constant declarations.

The following functions and constants are no longer defined at the

driver level and should not be used by any driver or application.

short FAR PASCAL WriteMark(...)

BOOL FAR PASCAL AddFileSpoolJob(...)

BOOL FAR PASCAL SpoolEscape(...)

long FAR PASCAL QueryJob(...)

short FAR PASCAL QueryAbort(...)


#define SP_QUERYDISKAVAIL 0x1004

Edit PRINTER.H and PSCRIPT.H to remove these function and constant


Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10 DDKPRINT