Using the NCB Adaptor Status Call to Determine Free NCBs

ID Number: Q66565




I used the NetBIOS Adaptor Status call to determine the number of free

NCBs (network control blocks) on my system. I then attempted to submit

that many NCBs. However, I began to receive NetBIOS error 9's (out of

NCBs) before I reached the limit returned by the Adaptor Status call.

Why are these errors occurring?


The NETWKSTA.SYS driver needs to keep track of any user NCB that is in

progress. This places an upper limit on the number of NCBs an

application may submit. Currently, this number is based upon the

number of NCBs the driver can support, less the number that the

redirector requires to be a workstation (that is, the LANMAN.INI

[WKSTA] MAXCMDS keyword). However, this is subject to change because

redirector should never allow an application to consume all remaining