ID Number: Q83012
3.00 3.10
VADMAD, the Virtual Auto-Initialize Direct Memory Access Device, is
provided with the Windows Multimedia Device Development Kit version
1.0, and the Multimedia Extensions to Windows version 1.0, to allow
devices that use auto-initialize DMA to function properly under
Windows 3.0.
However, under Windows version 3.1, the VDMAD (Virtual DMA Device)
supports an auto-initialize DMA transfer, without using VADMAD.
Do not use VADMAD with Windows 3.1 because it conflicts with VDMAD.
The remainder of this article describes how an application can perform
auto-initialize DMA transfers under Windows 3.0 and under Windows 3.1.
More Information:
Under Windows version 3.1, auto-initialize DMA is performed using the
same method as under MS-DOS: set the auto-initialize bit in the mode
register and perform the transfer.
Under Windows 3.0, the application must call VADMAD to set the auto-
initialize bit of the DMA mode register.
If the VADMAD driver is installed, the GetVADMADEntry function, listed
below, returns its address in ES:DI. If INT 2Fh returns 0 in ES,
VADMAD is not installed, and attempts to call the address will cause a
general protection fault (GP fault).
VADMAD_Entry dd ?
xor di,di ; Clear DI
mov es,di ; Clear ES
mov ax,1684h ; Get device entry
mov bx,0444h ; VADMAD Device
int 2f ; Get function entry
mov word ptr [VADMAD_ENTRY],di ; Save entry point
mov word ptr [VADMAD_ENTRY+2],es
Once the VADMAD address is available, set the DMA mode using the
following code:
push dx ; Save DX
mov dx,VADMAD_Service ; Set VADMAD operation
call VADMAD_Entry ; Set mode or channel
out 0Bh,al ; Out to mode register
pop dx ; Restore DX
The values for the VADMAD_Service are defined as follows:
0: Set the VADMAD mode (put the desired mode into the AX register)
1: Set the VADMAD channel (put the desired channel into the AX
Two calls to the VADMAD_Entry are required: one to set the mode and
one to set the channel.
Under Windows 3.1, set the mode by modifying the mode register, as
mov al,01010100b ; Auto-Initialize, Write, Channel 0
out 0bh,al ; Send the data to the DMA mode register.
An application can use the same procedure to program channels 4
through 7, which are 16-bit channels; channels 0 through 3 are 8-bit
channels. To program channels 4 through 7, use port D6h rather than
Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10