OS/2 LAN Manager: Last Logon Information Sometimes Incorrect

ID Number: Q67175





If you log onto a domain controller from the NET shell, you should

receive the time of the last logon. However, "NEVER" is always

displayed. Also, if you view the user account information, Last Logon

always shows "NEVER."

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in OS/2 LAN Manager

version 2.00. We are researching this problem and will post new

information here as it becomes available.

This problem can be avoided by specifying a particular server for a

user to log onto. The server can be specified when creating or viewing

a user account in the full screen "net admin" interface. Choosing the

"<Paths>" option displays a dialog box that allows the following


Logon server . . . (.) Domain Controller

( ) Any Server

( ) Servername [.................]

Choosing the "Domain Controller" or "Servername" option will enable

this particular server to keep track of the last time the user logged

onto the network (in the user's domain).

If "Any Server" (which is the default) is specified, the system cannot

track this logon information.

More Information:

For more information, please refer to pages 91 and 98 of the

"Microsoft Operating System/2 LAN Manager Administrator's Guide."