If Directory Archive Bit Is Set, Lotus 1-2-3 May Return Error

ID Number: Q67404




The network version of Lotus 1-2-3 r2.2 fails to see directories when

the archive bit is set on a directory. When Lotus fails to see the

find the network license directory. This problem usually shows up on

HPFS 386 servers because this file system makes use of the archive bit

on directories. The archive bit is set when the ACLs on the directory

change. This is necessary because ACLs in HPFS386 are stored in the

files and directories themselves, and backup programs must archive the

directory to capture these changes.

You can work around this problem by removing the archive bit on the

directory. For example:

attrib -a <dir name>

Please note that this problem also occurs with HPFS and FAT file

systems if the archive bit is manually set on the directory.