Setting Up Disk Mirroring in OS/2 LAN Manager Version 2.00

ID Number: Q67602




The information below describes a step-by-step procedure of how to set

up disk mirroring on your OS/2 LAN Manager version 2.00 machine.

Before beginning this procedure, it is important to note that your

disk device driver, either DISK01.SYS (ISA or EISA bus) or DISK02.SYS

(MCA bus), must support fault tolerance. If you have a question as to

whether your hard disk drive is supported, query on the following

words for more information:

eisa and hard and three and o_olanman

This procedure is listed below:

1. Start PMFDISK from the Utilities menu. Two drive icons should be

present underneath the action bar indicating that a physical disk 1

and a physical disk 2 exist on the machine. Two physical drives are

required for both disk mirroring and duplexing (duplexing also

requires a second controller).

2. Check the type, size, and percent of the disk space used by the

first partition of physical disk 1. If the percentage of disk space

being used is 100 percent or the type is FAT, go to step 3;

otherwise go to step 4.

3. OS/2 version 1.21 does not allow the primary partition of a

machine's boot drive (physical disk 1) to be mirrored, nor will it

mirror FAT partitions. If either of these two cases is true of your

system, you will need to repartition your boot drive by performing

the following steps:

a. Back up all essential files to disk or tape.

b. Boot off of the OS/2 install floppy disk. Press the ESC key at

the initial screen. Type "FDISK /d" and respond with "Y" to the

question that is displayed.

Note: This step is essential because after OS/2 has been

installed the first time, all future installs of OS/2 will use

the same partition size. You will not be prompted to change the

size unless you are installing OS/2 for the first time, or the

primary partition has been deleted prior to the installation.

c. Reinstall OS/2, being careful to select a primary partition that

is smaller than the whole of the physical disk 1 (you should

probably leave about 25 MB of disk space for this partition for

OS/2 LAN Manager and OS/2, unless you choose to redirect the

SWAPPER.DAT file elsewhere). Choose "Yes" when prompted to

format the partition as HPFS.

4. Once your partition sizes are set correctly, start PMFDISK and

create an extended partition on the primary disk 1. DO NOT create a

logical drive for this partition.

5. Select physical drive 2 and create a primary and extended partition

that matches the first physical drive. DO create a logical drive for

this partition. Your drives should now look like the following:

Drive 1


Partition Information

Partitions Status Type Size in MBytes Percent of Disk


C: Startable HPFS XX XX%

Not Startable EXT OS/2 YY YY%

Drive 2


Partition Information

Partitions Status Type Size in MBytes Percent of Disk


D: Not Startable PRI OS/2 XX XX%

Not Startable EXT OS/2 YY YY%


Logical Drive Information


If Drive D reads HPFS or FAT rather than PRI OS/2, it means that the

primary partition has been formatted. Exit PMFISK and reboot to have

the partition changes take effect.

6. Run FTSETUP from an OS/2 command prompt. Choose Config Mirror

drives. Select Logical Drive E and respond affirmatively to all the

OK prompts. Reboot your computer when the following message


Changes have been made to the disk partition table. You must

restart the computer for these changes to take effect.

7. If everything is correct, FTSETUP will automatically be loaded from

your STARTUP.CMD file during the system boot and prompt you to

format Logical Drive E. Choose OK. Verify the drive status from

Config View drive status. Exit FTSETUP and the STARTUP.CMD file

will proceed normally. FTSETUP is automatically REMarked out after

the STARTUP.CMD file completes.

8. Setup of Drive Mirroring is now complete. Per the instructions

above, the drives will now mirror in the following direction

********** **********

* C * * D *

* * * *

********** **********

* * * *

* * * *

* Mirror * * *

* of E * <----* E *

* * * *

* * * *

********** **********