Real-Number Data in IEEE Format

ID Number: Q30601

5.10 6.00 | 6.00



By default, the Microsoft Macro Assembler Versions 5.10 (MASM) and later

assemble real-number data in IEEE format. The previous versions of the

assemblers used the Microsoft binary format by default.

More Information:

The following is the IEEE format for encoding 4- and 8-byte real


Short Real Number

31 23 15 7 0



^ ^ ^ ^

| | | |

| Exponent| |

| |Mantissa ------------->|


The parts of the real numbers are described below:

1. Sign (0 for positive or 1 for negative) is in the upper bit of

the first byte.

2. Exponent is in the next bits in sequence (8 bits for a short

real number or 11 bits for a long real number).

3. All except the first-set bit of Mantissa are in the remaining

bits of the variable (13 bits for short real numbers, and 52

bits for long real numbers). Because the first significant

bit is known to be set, it does not need to be stored.